Let your sensitivity be the spark that changes the world.

Welcome to Fictive Kin Equity Lab!

We’re a community of empathetic, curious, and passionate souls who are done with being shamed for being “too sensitive" about injustice.

Instead, we are learning how to leverage our sensitivity as a social justice superpower.

How do we do this?

The answer’s in our name…


Our Founder is a nerd who loves to play around with words and their meanings.

In her mind, “fictive kin” has two meanings:

  • all humans share the trait of creating narratives (or “fictions”) for ourselves to help make sense of the world; and

  • this shared trait makes us “kin”.

If we’re kin, then we should all get to live in a world where everyone is treated with dignity, respect, and care.

The best people lead this work are those of us who feel “too much”.


This is Fictive Kin’s dedicated - and protected - online community learning space.

It's designed to function like a virtual laboratory, where members learn how to take everything we’ve been shamed for:

  • our sensitivity to injustice;

  • our “unrealistic” idealism;

  • our penchant for asking critical, so-called “difficult” questions, etc.

… and turn them into powerful gifts that we can use to help create a more inclusive, just, and humane world.


“What I believe is so magical about [the Fictive Kin community] is that it truly lives up to its purpose.”

Jessica A., Fictive Kin Community Member